Friday, June 14, 2013

10 Years Later - Juneau, Alaska

Our capital city is in a very unique location as it is 700 miles away by road and 92 miles by ferry or a 2 hour plane ride from Anchorage.  Ten years ago, I left by via ferry and road after finishing up my Master's of Arts in Teaching at University of Alaska Southeast and really didn't care if I never went back. 
Auke Bay Beach - Gus and Wyatt 2002
Years go by, kids grow, memories of numerous rainy days fade and when Wyatt showed interest in attending U.A.S. in another year for marine biology . . . . .
Wyatt Critter Hunting - 2003
I suggested a trip to Juneau to visit the campus and check out our old stomping grounds. This time I chose the airplane route.
Wyatt Critter Hunting - 2013
We camped at Auke Bay Campground in the Tongass National Forest in the old growth spruce/hemlock forest waking up each morning to ravens and eagles squawking at each other. And surprisingly enough, not a drop of rain fell the entire time. 
Mendenhall Glacier
When it is sunny, there are few places as beautiful as Juneau, Alaska, the steep mountains, blue glaciers, and miles of coastline to explore.  But because I lived there twice (once in 1999 for 7 months while working at the ferry terminal and for the 2002-2003 school year), I know that Juneau is only habitable by those who can accept lots of rainy days, clouds, and isolation from the road system.  A slower economy and a higher cost of living compared to the Anchorage/Mat-Su area doesn't help matters, but in spite of all of that, about 30,000 Alaskans make Juneau their home. 
View from Trail Above Mt. Roberts Tramway
Our campus visit went well.  The students and staff we interacted with were friendly and welcoming.  The only thing that changed since I attended was the new recreation facility, which is a great addition. Whether Wyatt attends or not, we'll have to wait and see, but I certainly enjoyed revisiting the old places and seeing some new places. For more pictures from our visit:

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