Saturday, March 24, 2012

Alternate Car Wash

At first I blamed the kids for scratching dirt into the side of the truck, but before I even had the chance to even give the proper verbal beating and allow themselves to point fingers at each other and profess their innocence, I put the pieces of the puzzle together.  Looking down at the split hoof marks around the car, I knew I had drawn the right conclusion.
Realizing we've had these two moose hanging around the neighborhood all winter, I figured out what all the strange marks were on the the truck. 
Moose right outside our front door fence
Earlier in the week, there was a moose in our school parking lot licking the salt off one of the cars and that is what actually clued me into what happened.  
Notice the moose in the bottom right corner.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break

 Although it is Spring Break, spring hasn't sprung yet.  We were lucky enough to enjoy some clear blue skies over the weekend and through today, but the temperatures are still hovering around 20 in the day and the single digits during the night.  I took the snowmachine down to the river valley to get a glimpse of the Knik River Glacier.  I hoped to find the moose hanging around too, but they were off in some other corner of the woods.