Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cabin Overnight

 Bryant and I decided to head over to the cabin for the night to shovel snow off the roof and snowblow the drive  Because we hadn't been their since New Year's, we were pretty sure we'd be buried in snow.  And we were.  The nice surprise was that whoever plows the roadway, also cleared the berm from our driveway, so that made for an easier snowblow.   There was about a 1 1/2 feet on the roof.  Its a good thing it is only 16 x 16. 

Last week, Bryant finished another log countertop for the cabin.  When I cooked breakfast this morning, I had all kinds of room to spread out or at least 8 more square feet than I did before. I forgot to take a picture of it though. 
Over the years, we've been watching the spruce trees grow and the birch trees die.  The Boreal Forest plant succession is in motion. 

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