Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ringing in a New Year!

We made our way to the cabin to ring in 2012.  While I was packing up to go, I didn't realize that the trailer wasn't securely attached to the truck so when I loaded the snowmachine, the trailer tipped up and slammed the  hitch against the rear tailgate of the truck.  Obviously a pretty good scratch and dent was left behind. I was reminded of my New Year's Resolution from 2009 to be nicer to things.  Maybe I need to reinstate that resolution for 2012 to remind myself to slow down and be more careful.  

There is a lot of snow at the cabin. Upon our arrival we had to snowblow and shovel our way to the front door. It wasn't long before we unburied the wood and had a nice warm fire in the woodstove.
The 3 1/2' snowbank and path heading
out the front door to the grill.

Before I knew it, I was packing up and going home, and it got me wondering where the long weekend went. We managed to get in some snowmachining, reading, relaxing, fireworks, visiting, and of course a few pictures. The weather was clear, cold (-20), and pretty on New Year's Day, so I dragged Gus out for a walk so I could capture a few images.
Moose tracks coming out of the woods
onto frozen King Fisher Lake.

And the moose who's making the tracks!

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