Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's still snowing!

Looking at the house from the road
This is our 7th winter in this house and today after removing 6" of snow from the drive for the 2nd day in a row, I am feeling quite certain it is the most snow we've ever had in our yard at one time. Fortunately, it is light fluffy snow and it is falling on a weekend.  Unfortunately, Bryant is in Mexico visiting the boat, so that leaves me to deal with the snow if I actually want to leave the house come Monday morning.  Just figures that the winch cable that allows the plow to go up and down on the four wheeler breaks as I started cleaning up the drive late this morning.  Luckily, the snowblower was available to finish off the job. 

One of my friends came by for dinner, and of course we got to talking about the snow.  She told me her plow driver charges $35.00.  I think if I wake up to another 6", I plan on getting his number. 

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