Monday, November 15, 2010

To Do: and Done

Right now the "To Do:" list is bigger than the "Done" list as I get ready for my vacation.

My Done List : 
Wyatt - Not exactly a Jazz Instrument . .
but closer than the oboe or bassoon.

Gus - Tenor Sax, a true jazz instrument,
equally talented, less enthusiastic participant
 On Saturday, I enjoy Mat-Su middle and high school jazz bands and choirs.  They have clinics all day for the students, are critiqued by UAA jazz professors and Air Force Band Members, and in the evening they give a concert to the public.  I am amazed by the talent of all these young kids.  Instead of my usual, drop the kids and run strategy, I volunteered for the concession stand on Saturday.  This gave me the chance to watch the kids from 6th - 12th grade interact with each other, among their peers, and with the different schools.  I even had one ninth grader recognize me from 5 years ago when I taught 4th grade in another elementary school.  All I can say is what a neat group of kids.

On Sunday, I completed a stage in a running journey that began in January, but never realized the course it would take or even where it will end.  I ran 20 miles and I haven't done that in over 20 years. Surprisingly, I didn't do so bad, considering it was two women on a back road in 30 degree temperatures out for a Sunday run.  I found a local running partner at the race in August and she and I have been running one long run a week since September building again to the half-marathon in October with a final goal of 20 miles before my trip.   My legs feel better today than they have in the last month, but maybe they too realize that a Mexican vacation in the sand, sun, and sailboat are soon on the way.

Tonight, I came close to getting my suitcase packed and organizing my list of things "To Do:", which includes organizing the kids, the dog, fuel supply for the house, and the big one is my classroom.  Wow, maybe I better get to bed so I can attack that list tomorrow with some enthusiasm. 

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