I talked to Bryant tonight, as he's still in Mexico visiting the boat. The initial plan was to keep the boat in Mexico for a year, but sailors always say, "sailing plans are made in sand" and we are learning how true that is. We started out on the mainland side in San Carlos, Sonora (Nov. 2009), visited it in January and March (2010) and then came across the Sea of Cortez to Mulege (Summer 2010), then north to Santa Rosalia. We never boated back to the boat trailer and vehicle in San Carlos due to weather, but Bryant flew across and drove them back to Santa Rosalia. We trailered the boat to Loreto where we were able to store it at an RV Park and launch it 2 miles away, and drove the truck back home. In November of 2010 and March 2011, we explored the Loreto area. Last summer we boated from Loreto down to La Paz and back again to Loreto, and came home feeling a little small in such a big sea.
Then we lived with indecision, vacillating between bringing the boat home or bringing it to La Paz, and always contemplating the time, money, family, and desire for exploration equation. Finally, we figured if logistics work out for Bryant to drive the trailer and boat to La Paz with a rental car, one with a hitch, Mexican insurance, and find storage, we'll do that. Otherwise if it gets to be too much hassle, it would be homeward bound for the boat come June, which would mean starting with a truck leaving Alaska in May.
I guess the final answer is, "Hello La Paz sunsets. . . . "
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