It means the snow. For two weeks, I kept thinking . . ."it will melt. There is always snow on the ground before Halloween, but it melts." Considering that this past summer was the coldest in decades, why should I be surprised by the way fall is turning into winter way too fast. But I am and I keep wishing. Underneath that snow, piles of leaves need to be dispose of, a rake needs to be found, and a wood pile needed to be covered with a tarp before it became covered in 6 inches of snow. Obviously, mother nature's plans and my schedule aren't the same.
I stayed home from the property this weekend to catch up with house chores and do some kid activities with the boys. As I write, Bryant is busy working on the inside support beam. Last weekend, we had beautiful clear and cold weather, and it was perfect for finishing up the roof. I learned how to tar paper and lay shingles and why real roofers would want to wear knee protection of some sort. By Sunday, I felt like I had permanent rock indents embedded in my knees from kneeling. Overall, we're feeling pretty good about our progress, and how the shabin is shaping up.
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