Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Liking the Biking

 Sometimes it is necessary to just keep going around the next bend  . . . . . and this past weekend that is exactly what we ended up doing and as a result we ended up on two cool bike rides.
View from the Knik Glacier from the Secret Trail 
On Saturday we biked the Knik River bottom from our house toward the glacier.  There is a regular loop ride close to home, but when we saw the snowmachine track heading beyond our regular turnaround point, we followed it.  Our weather has been cold enough to keep the river frozen, but not icy and the little snow that is on the river is mostly a windblown hard pack.  It is rare to have all the side channels passable with an ice bridge.  Ideal conditions on the Knik!  The urge to take advantage of that and a beautiful blue sky was stronger than the urge to return home to study for my Spanish mid-term. I was happy we did because our little afternoon ride turned into what I coined "The Best Ride Ever!"  Bryant made up a YouTube video if you're interested is seeing some great scenery and of course what this area can sometimes offer in winter biking:  http://youtu.be/KGb8g-e-Q2k

The next day, we took the Secret Trail up the side of the mountain.  Our first landmark is the Big Tree, and I was willing to stop there.  Bryant suggested the First Overlook and not wanting to wimp out, I agreed.  Once I hit the overlook, I realized we couldn't see the glacier and I really wanted to get a view of the river bottom and our ride from yesterday. I convinced him to continue on up to the Glacier View Knoll, which didn't take much convincing at all.  Granted there was some bike pushing on the 2nd 1000 feet of climbing, but we were able to ride most of it down and that was a lot of fun even with numb fingers. 

Estudie de español estar muy mal el fin de semana pasado, pero pasear de bicicleta estuvo buenisima!  
(Studying my Spanish was very bad this past weekend, but riding the bike was the best!  At least that is what I wanted to say.)