Friday, August 31, 2012

August is over . . .

 . . . in about an hour and I haven't made a single post. If I hurry, I can get in a few sentences and I-phone pictures that wrap up the month. Bryant and I continued with our "Summer of the Bike" by camping in Cooper Landing, riding the Resurrection Pass Trail down Devil's Pass and returning back. It turned to be a 56 mile ride and more hours and miles than I had ever put on a mountain bike.    
Bryant eating lunch before fixing my flat tire!
We pulled our usual crack of noon departure, but because of our longer daylight hours in the summer it didn't matter.  We still made it back with a couple hours to spare.  It was nice to be able to complete this trail system this summer as it had been on the list for awhile. 
"The Ribbon Trail" just outside of Grand Junction, CO
 The first week of August, we went to Grand Junction, Colorado to visit Bryant's parents and put a few more miles on the bike. There we had to change our schedule and get up with the sun to avoid the hottest part of the day. 
The "401 Trail" in Crested Butte
After Grand Junction, we headed to Crested Butte to do some more riding and touristing. We rode bikes 5 of the 7 days we were down there. Overall, a nice way to wrap up my summer vacation.
Touristing: A free lift ride to the top of Mt. Crested Butte.
The day after I returned, I dove back into school. The kids started on August 16th.
 A couple of weeks later, I think we are finally getting into a routine even if they aren't as chipper to start school as they were back in 2004. 
Wyatt is still in Jazz band in the mornings and they both decided to join swimming after school. It is good to see them busy doing something. They were both gimping around so much after the first few days of practice I felt bad assigning them lawn duty, so I didn't, and I attacked it an hour at a time after school.

I suspect my next posts will be about autumn colors.  Seeing as August is over, the leaves are turning yellow and it will only be about a week or before they start to peak.  And I usually can't resist pulling over on the way home from work to get some fall photos.   

For More Colorado Pictures: