This afternoon, I decided I was done with winter. So when I came home from the dump with a truck full of garbage, including our old bathroom shower surround that was made from 80's vintage linoleum and the water damaged wood laminate flooring, I put the shovels away and the skis in the back shed. Gus had his last day of snowboarding at Alyeska yesterday, so I instructed him to get rid of his boots and board, and sleds that were hanging around the yard. I engineered a few water routes in the driveway and now I'm crossing my fingers that spring has finally sprung on Knik River Road.

This past week we've had daytime temperatures in the upper 40's, and Bryant and I were able to ride road bikes. Granted we had to load the bikes into the truck and drive the 1/2 mile out of the subdivision to the dry paved road. On Saturday, we got in a 40 mile ride and it wasn't until I was about halfway through that my toes started getting cold, the clouds came in, the wind blew a little harder, and my body started feeling the pain of the first long ride of the season.
Bryant spent Sunday afternoon cleaning up the tools and supplies from bathroom project and the garage. I got a kick out of the line of bikes he had spread out. While I was taking the picture, he told me we weren't done, because next year two more winter bikes with the fat tires need to be added.
The best part of the weekend was getting our toilet out of the kitchen! The project that was only going to take two days is now almost complete after the 3rd weekend. There was a combination of variables that got in the way of progress, including running out of supplies, the wrong supplies, a needed tool, no energy to deal with a project, and of course the nice weather that begged for us to bike ride in it. But in the end, we just decided to roll with it and do what we can when we can.