Sunday, May 16, 2010

Overnight at the Cabin

Gus found time this weekend to make some smores.

The goal this weekend was to move the generator shack.  This isn't something one can do alone so we invited our friends to come out to help us accomplish this feat.  When we first bought the property seven years ago this month, we bought a 12 x 20 Costco shelter to store gear and sleep.  Bryant built a wooden bed out of logs and OSB to fit the two twin mattresses we had. That was our sleeping set up for the summer, functional, sturdy, cheap and heavy.  That fall, we started searching for winter shelter to use at the property and ended up with a 5th wheel travel trailer.  Because we no longer needed a bed, Bryant transformed the bed into a generator shack by attaching longer legs, support boards, and roofing, which also added a few more pounds.

The generator shack worked fine for the years that we used the 5th wheel.  But with the 5th wheel long gone the shack was too close to the cabin.  Not only was it way too loud, but it wasn't an aesthetically pleasing sight when I made coffee in the morning and glanced out the window.  Bryant pulled the stuff out from inside, and with two people per side, we managed to move the shack to the backside of the cabin.  With the shack moved, we could enjoy dinner and a campfire.
Bryant brought the log furniture down a few weeks ago, but I didn't go with him, so it was a nice surprise for me to see everything all set up. I took some video footage of the inside.

Monday, May 10, 2010

One, Two, Three in a Row

Friday, Saturday and Sunday turned out to be the third, fourth, and fifth day of spring this year.  We didn't do anything too big or exciting, just enjoyed the simple pleasures of a few days off with some sunshine.  On Saturday, I was able to convince Wyatt that the annual spring trek up the Butte was in order. 
It was a hard sell considering Gus was occupied at a school chess tournament and his usual Boy Scout hiking buddy was working at a pancake breakfast. These days hanging out with Mom isn't topping the list of what a 14 year old wants to do.  Going out for a Subway sandwich afterward ended up cinching the deal. 
Later in the evening, Bryant and I enjoyed a fire in the backyard.  If you turn your body in the right direction and block out the neighbor's house, cars, and junk, it is almost like you're camping, only better because you sleep in your own bed. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

April Snowshowers bring May Flowers?

 Probably not, but I at least hope May brings me some green grass.  We spent the weekend cleaning up the yard.  I raked leaves and mowed the dead grass, Wyatt and Gus hauled away all my leaves, and Bryant pruned our decorative trees that were starting to interfere with our views.  He also secured the bunny quarters. Yes, I did write down bunny quarters. 

We have the honor of babysitting Jonathon's pet rabbit, Blizzo, for a month.  After two days of playfully playing in the fenced area, Blizzo went AWOL.  For a day or two we tried to convince ourselves it was hiding under the deck or the decorative deck area by the rotted out tree stump, but as time went by it became clear the rabbit wasn't anywhere on our property. 

I put out a neighborhood APB (All Points Bulletin) and on Saturday, there was a Blizzo sighting under the neighbor's shed.  Gus and his friend Trevor, who has at least one of every farm animal imaginable living in their front yard, identified Blizzo and attempted to lure it in its cage with carrots and lettuce.  Finally, Trevor just lunged at it.  The bunny tried to resist arrest and the scratches on Trevor's arm are proof, but Trevor held on and the bunny stayed confined to its cage until its new quarters became secured. 

Trevor's mom loaned us some chicken wire (you have to love hobby farmers; they just have this stuff on hand) and then Bryant blocked off access to one side of the fenced in area where the escape holes were located.  As of a little while ago, Blizzo was happily hopping around the yard.  Fenced in again until it decides to dig down under the fence like a real wild bunny. 

Ollie and Blizzo: