Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Slice of Sunshine

After a week or so of always cloudy and gray, with intermittent rain, today turned out to be okay.  Bryant and I sorted through our scrap lumber pile and found some log slabs to make log furniture.  A log bench and endtable from the house are heading to the cabin, but before that can happen, they will need to be replaced.  While we were shuffling logs around, I spotted the sunshine on the mountains and had to stop to take a few pictures. 

Later on while I was sanding the end table outside in 42 degree temperatures, I spotted the alpine glow and again I had to interupt the task at hand to take a few pictures. 

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas . . .

. . . and a Happy New Year.  I think this is the closest I'll get to sending anyone a Christmas card!  I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Our intention was to spend the night at the cabin this weekend, but as things happen with trailers, lights, and unfamiliar used vehicles, Bryant spent the daylight hours on Saturday (which aren’t too many these days if you remember our habit of not getting moving until about noon) trying to figure out why the lights weren’t working on the snowmachine trailer. It turned out to be some messed up wiring on the Suburban. We ended up going out on Sunday afternoon with a load of gear and the snowblower to clear the driveway and organize for next weekend. I’m really looking forward to spending some time enjoying the place this year and putting a few more miles on the snowmachine.

 7" of snow at the property

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Never Mind . . It Fits!

Never mind that two days before Bryant leaves to take the truck and boat south, we are putting a starter in it.  Never mind that after 2 weeks of driving it around, the windshield wipers don't work unless I reconnect the wire under the hood each time.  Never mind that after the first 500 miles on its 42 gallon tank, that I run it out of gas when the gauge still said 1/4 tank and have to limp it to the neighborhood gas station a mile down the road.  Never mind that when I fill up the seats with middle school jazz band students, they can barely slam the door due to  body damage on the passenger side doors. Never mind that the heat control blower has two settings, off and high.

Why am I not worried about these "minor inconveniences" of driving around a $1500 vehicle?  Well, this past weekend I found out it fits!  Barely, but barely doesn't matter when the garage door closes.  It was absolutely wonderful to wake up Monday morning in 10 degree weather and have a frost free car.