Yesterday, I made the time. I went back to the waterfall twice to practice with shutter speed. The one thing I did discover in this experience was that grey morning light makes softer water than brighter afternoon light.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Waterfall
Yesterday, I learned a little more about taking pictures of a waterfall. I never really understood how photographers were able to make water look soft in waterfalls. When I asked Bryant he said, "Slow the shutter speed down and use a tripod." But beyond that, he wasn't sure either. Throughout the summer, I'd see these little waterfalls near the road on our bikes and to myself I'd think that this might be a good place to practice taking pictures of moving water, but there was never the urging pull to take the time and do it. Then a couple days ago, I talked Gus into a bike ride and we rode in the other direction. Granted it is the same way I drive almost everyday to do any errand, but messing around on a bike and driving in a car my mind works differently. Gus and I saw the sign that said, "Pioneer Falls" and I suggested we go and check it out. A few years ago Bryant and I were back there and there wasn't much to see, a trickle of water stuffed behind a bunch of trees. Immediately, Gus and I noticed a huge temperature difference and soon rushing water hammered our ears. A short walk up the trail revealed a beautiful gushing waterfall. Although the top part was still obscured by trees, the bottom brimmed with with bubbly flowing water. Impressed and properly motivated, I made a commitment to myself to come back soon with a camera and without Gus, because I new he wanted no part of a camera excursion.
Yesterday, I made the time. I went back to the waterfall twice to practice with shutter speed. The one thing I did discover in this experience was that grey morning light makes softer water than brighter afternoon light.
Yesterday, I made the time. I went back to the waterfall twice to practice with shutter speed. The one thing I did discover in this experience was that grey morning light makes softer water than brighter afternoon light.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Real Summer . . .
Bike riding up the mountain near our house. Riding down is much more fun!Kids swimming at the property while we painted the siding on the cabin.
Moose brousing in a nearby swamp.
The warmest summer and possibly driest summer since 2004 . . . . and we are enjoying every minute of it!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Exotic Cruise in the Pacific - Prince William Sound, Alaska
Two adults, two kids, and a 30 lb. dog aboard a 26 foot sailboat for a week! We expected rain and received almost none, just a few dribbles our first night. Sailing, hiking, swimming, and exploring -overall a nice time.
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