At the beginning of the school year, our principal was asking for volunteers to head up different committees. Knowing these kind of commitments can raise the level of insanity in one's life, I did my best to lay low and then the I heard him say, "Yearbook?" Well, my interest was aroused, guilt kicked in and I found my hand going up. For the first half of the year, I managed to ignore this obligation. It is easy to do that when you're a teacher because almost every minute of the day is filled with little children asking you important questions and telling important stories that need your attention now, so the yearbook can easily fade into the background.
January rolled around and I realized the yearbook wasn't making itself. Yearbooks generally look better with pictures in it, so I decided to take my camera to school and take pictures. Lots of them. To the point that one of the four pregnant teachers in my school started to call me the paparazzi. I dutifully reminded her that I too have a due date of March 9th. However, my picture visions I had of kids intent on learning, sharing, and enjoying school were crushed when I realized that kids move, they move a lot, and they move quickly. And if I made the fatal error of asking them to look this way, I received the cheesy grin, high chin, and bunny ears. I think after this experience I'll stick with scenery. Scenery doesn't move or talk back!